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Intervention and Consultation
Employee Assistance Program

How an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) works

Our clients will tell you

We do everything we can to ensure that the implementation of your employee assistance program (EAP) or member assistance program (MAP) remains a simple and seamless experience.

Implementation of an EAP or MAP within your organization

Two to three weeks is sufficient following the signing of the agreement to achieve all the necessary steps in implementing our program within your business.

The first meeting: the starting point

During this meeting with your managers, we establish the steps for implementing your new assistance program.

Together, we discuss:

  • The available activities and promotion tools of the EAP or the MAP and the implementation process of inherent services
  • The needs and expectations regarding the statistics reports
  • The assistance program transfer strategies from another supplier to Brio EAP
  • The invoicing system and fees
  • All other specific expectations

Quick access to services for your employees or members

The reputation of our EAP or MAP is well established. It is mainly based on our presence, accessibility, benevolence, and flexibility.

Your employees or members have access to our services at all times via our website or our toll-free number 1 888.799.0303, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. There will always be someone available to answer your request.

We understand your needs and are ready to address them as soon as possible. Our professionals contact back your employee or member in a maximum delay of two business days.

Then, they agree on the first meeting. In the case of an emergency, your employee or member will be contacted by our crisis intervention team to evaluate the needs and, mainly, ensure the set up of a safety net.

Are you ready to commit to improving the health and well-being of your business?

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