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Intervention and Consultation
Employee Assistance Program

Critical and Post-Traumatic Incident

Any person who lives or witnesses an accident or a tragic event inevitably feels intense and uncommon emotions. This abnormal and unusual situation represents a threat or a real danger to the person or others’ integrity.

Preventing post-traumatic stress

The death of a beloved, a life-threatening severe injury, a suicide, a major work accident narrowly avoided, a violent crime at the workplace or close to, aggression, natural disasters, or even events that have excessive interest from the media are all vectors of intense fear, a feeling of horror and powerlessness. These circumstances must not be taken lightly.

Brio EAP’s professional team provides continuous services from the start. It supports the organization in managing these dramatic events that can cause a state of post-traumatic stress if nothing is done regarding prevention.

Circumstances of a post-traumatic shock

Unfortunately, living through a critical incident is a frequent experience. This traumatic event can happen at any time and affect not only the person who faces it but their entourage as well, including their team and work colleagues.

This adjustment disorder generally happens in the first month following the traumatic event with its share of emotive reactions and undesirable behaviors, such as tears or laughter, isolation, loss of appetite, insomnia, intolerance, frustrations, conflictual relationships, fears, anxiety, lack of focus, and others.

Brio EAP is there from the start to help and guide your employees or members facing physical or emotional reactions.

Work presence and performance will undeniably be affected by the context of the situation. Even if these reactions are transient, they can sometimes persist over time and transform into a post-traumatic stress state if nothing is done. This state often presents itself in association with significant distress: depression, suicide attempts, addiction, major relationships and professional difficulties.

Our professionals are here to help you and ensure everything does not dissolve into a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) recognized by the DSM 5 and can, most of the time, result in the absence of your employees.

All these reactions are genuinely normal when an abnormal situation occurs. Our professionals are here to all anyone affected to take care of themselves during this difficult period.

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